UTS FENCING 2018 Vice-Chancellor’s Junior Scholarships now open!

The UTS Vice-Chancellor’s Junior Scholarships are now open for all applicants – and the benefits can include:

  • A funding grant of up to $500 towards study costs per year for the duration of the scholarship;
  • Subsidies for state and national competition entry fees;
  • UTS Fencing training programs
  • Junior Scholarship recipients who go on to enrol into a degree coursework program at UTS in 2019 will be provided an additional year of grant funding, up to $500 toward study costs. The terms and conditions of the Vice-Chancellor’s Junior Scholarship will apply during such period.

For all information on application criteria and instructions on how to apply, please download the Scholarship document available at the link below. NOTE: The due date of application for the inaugural UTS Vice-Chancellor’s Junior  Fencing Scholarships has been extended to Friday 13th July 20188

UTS Fencing 2018 VC junior scholarships 31052018.pdf

*We would like to thank our Patron UTS Vice-Chancellor Professor Attila Brungs for his very generous support for the Fencing Club

Results from 2018 DH McKenzie AFF1 in Brisbane

Well done to all our UTS fencers who competed last weekend in the D.H. McKenzie Open, Veteran and Under 23 events in Brisbane.


  • Firstly, congratulations to the following fencers, who achieved top 3 finishes in the veteran events Queensland:

Min Yi Du: 1st                     (Women’s Veteran Sabre)

Julia Lyaschenko: 1st        (Women’s Veteran Foil)

Andrey Tyshchenko: 1st   (Men’s Veteran Foil)

Melissa Yeung 2nd             (Women’s Veteran Sabre)

Annabelle Ballard 3rd           (Women’s Veteran Foil

Julie Seggie: 3rd                 (Veteran Women’s Epee)

Radu Vintila : 3rd                       (Veteran Men’s Sabre)


  • In the Under 23 Women’s Epee event, Karen Nonis achieved 3rd place


  • In the Open competitions the club also did well, with good results from the following UTS fencers:

Karen Nonis  –  5th in Women’s Open Epee

Alisa Tyshchenko – 11th place in Women’s Open Foil

Julia Lyaschenko – 14th place in Women’s Open Foil

Lachlan Fitzgerald – 14th place in Men’s Open Epee

Min Yi Du – 9th place in Women’s Open Sabre


Well done, everyone! (photos later…)

Training Cancelled on Saturday 24th February

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Fencing Club’s booking for Saturday 24th of February has been cancelled. Unfortunately we were only notified this week. The club apologises for any inconvenience.

Reminder: Club Epee Championships this weekend

The UTS Fencing Club Epee Championships – Saturday 28th October (2:15pm start)

Registration can be via contactus@utsfencing.com or in person on the day.   The gym will be opened from 2pm.


Venue: UTS Sydney Boys High Gym, Cleveland Street, Moore Park
Entries are free for all 2017 UTS Fencing Club members.     Visitors: $10

UTS Fencing Club Foil Championships – Saturday 21st October (2:15pm start)

A reminder that the 2017 UTS Fencing Club Foil Championships will be held on Saturday 21st October 2017.     Roll Call is at 2:15pm.     

Registration can be via contactus@utsfencing.com or in person on the day.   The gym will be opened from 2pm.

Venue: UTS Sydney Boys High Gym, Cleveland Street, Moore Park
Entries are free for all 2017 UTS Fencing Club members.     Visitors: $10

The UTS Fencing Club Epee Championships will be held on Saturday 28th October (2:15pm start)


Delayed training commencement time – Monday 23rd Oct (6:30pm -9pm)

Due to exam arrangement at Sydney Boys High, the start time for Monday 23rd October 2017 training session will be delayed to 6:30pm.   The end time for the session will be 9pm.      This is an once-only variation to the Monday training session time that apply to Monday 23rd October.  Other remaining Monday sessions in 2017 will be unaffected with a commencement time at 5:45pm and end time at 8:15pm.

Congratuations: Juanita Koschier’s International gold medal result

The club congratulations Juanita on her gold in the individual Women’s Epee event at 2017 Oceania Cadet Championships, Noumea 6th -8th Oct 2017.  This follow on a year of good international performances by Juanita who claimed a 6th place in the 2017 South East Asia and Pacific Cadet Championships’ Women’s Epee event, 17th place in the 2017 South East Asia and Pacific Junior Championships Women’s Epee event, and a 5th place Women’s Epee event at the 2017 International Asian Cadet Circuit- Brisbane. Attached are photos from Noumea and the SE Asia and Pacific Cadet Champtionships



UTS medals at U/23 State Championship and State Veteran Championships

Congratulations to our UTS medalists at the championships held on 8th October

Alisa Tyshchenko : Gold (U/23 State Championship)

Andrey Tyshchenko: Gold (State Veteran Championships)

Rita Tsiamoulis: Bronze (U/23 State Championship)

Michael Prince: Bronze (State Veteran Championships

2017 UTS Fencing Club Championships coming up

The 2017 Club championships will be held on the following dates.    These are fun events, so be sure to encourage your fellow fencers to join in the competition(s).   The competitions are fenced in a great spirit and everyone goes home a winner.

UTS Fencing Club Foil championships – Saturday 21st October (2:15pm start)

UTS Fencing Club Epee championships 
 – Saturday 28th October (2:15pm start)

UTS Vice- Chancellor Sabre championships – Saturday 25th November (2:15pm start)

Venue: UTS Sydney Boys High Gym, Cleveland Street, Moore Park

Entries are free for all 2017 UTS Fencing Club members.     Visitors: $10

For more information and/or registration: contactus@utsfencing.com

October updates and UniGames news

UTS Fencing has been having a busy few months with local and international competitions.      Our fencers achieved very good results across the weapons and in Open and aged categories events in these competitions.   On an international level 8 UTS fencers have so far represented Australia in the national senior, veteran, junior and cadet teams, winning for Australia a great tally of medals in all three disciplines.     

With the upcoming Veterans World Championships 2017- Maribor, Slovenia, we are keeping our fingers crossed for more good results.   UTS Fencing will have four Australian representatives in Maribor, they are Julie Seggie (Epee), Annabelle Ballard (Epee, Foil), Richard Purdie (Epee, Foil) and Min Du (Sabre).

At the national and state level competitions, our junior fencers (Emily Principe, Karen Nonis, Katherine Wang, Juanita Koschier) are emerging as serious medal contenders against more experienced fencers.   

Our latest good news is that Team UTS (Harrison May, Catherine McClean, Rosamond Hooper and Jamie Kim) fenced exceptionally well,  winning  4 medals, including 1 Gold, 2 Silver and 1 Bronze  at the Australian University Games fencing events which were held just in the last few days.

Great effort and fantastic results by UTS fencers in the City of Sydney and Allyson Schofield fencing competitions

Great effort and fantastic results by UTS fencers in the City of Sydney and Allyson Schofield fencing competitions that were held on Sunday 20th August 2017

Well done all!


City of Sydney 2017

Open Men’s Foil

Silver: Andrey Tyshchenko

6th place: Richard Purdie


Open Women’s Foil

Bronze: Rosa Dyson

5th place: Alisa Tyschchenko

6th place: Julia Lyaschenko

7th place: Annabelle allard

8th place: Rita Tsiaomulis


Open Men’s Epee

Bronze: Andrey Tyshchenko

7th place: Richard Purdie

11th place: Martin Groetzschel

17th place: Chris Nonis


Open Women’s Epee

Bronze: Katherine Wang

6th place: Karen Nonis

7th place: Julie Seggie


Allyson Schofield Sabre 2017


Open Men’s Sabre

5th place: Brian Kan


Open Women’s Sabre

Bronze: Wenxin Jin

Bronze: Hiu Mei Ting

5th place: Catie McClean