Training – operational process and adherence to safety practices
The Club’s COVID-19 Safety Requirements are to be carried out in the strict adherence to practices and conditions that would help safeguard the health and safety of participants as well as the general community.
As required by UTS Sport, UTS Fencing will ask all our members and visitors adhere to all rules whilst training at at any UTS Fencing training session to ensure a safe environment with minimal risk of COVID-19 transmission. Please carefully read through the main principles below which will apply for all participants.
Before you attend training
- Ensure your 2021 UTS Fencing Club membership/visitor fee has been paid
- Complete the online registrations system with the club for each training session by the specified time.
- It is Strongly Recommended that before coming to the Club you GET DRESSED FOR TRAINING AT HOME and be ready to train on arrival
- Bringing and use of hand sanitizers is recommended and you should always have your own with you to use
- Anyone with flu-like symptoms should NOT come to training
- Don’t attend training if:
– you have been close to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
– you have arrived from overseas in the past two weeks
– you have visit any locations visited by a confirmed COVID-19 case for 14 days since you were last at the venue or location
At the Training Venue
- Fencers are not to enter the venue before their allocated training time.
- All fencers will need to sign in on their mobile phones by scanning the QR code in the venue and showing the UTS Sport staff member. This must be done EVERY session.
- Filling out the club’s attendance register when you arrive and then when you leave the venue is mandatory.
- On arrival, wash your hands and use hand sanitiser between bouts /lessons regularly.
- Following the ‘Get in, train, get out’ principle for all sessions.
- Strictly follow training times and leave the venue before the end of the training session time so the venue can be cleaned for the next club booking. This includes members getting changed (if needed) and all packing up.
- Where possible, maintain social distance of 1.5m from one another.
- If you must use the changeroom, please note it is limited to 10 people at SBHG. You are encouraged to change quickly and move out of the changerooms. Showers are NOT to be used at this stage.
- Wipe common equipment (remotes, reel cable clips, box controls) between bouts with the sanitary wipes.
- No sharing of equipment
- There WILL BE NO BORROWING/USING OF CLUB’S EQUIPMENT (including fencing mask, jacket, breeches foil/epee/sabre, glove etc).
- You must sanitise FENCING EQUIPMENT you are using with sanitiser spray or wipes before and after you use it (wash your uniform with sanitary wash, spray masks and gloves with antiseptic, clean weapons and wires with antiseptic wipes)
- It is your responsibility to have an effective sanitiser with you to clean your equipment
- ONLY ATHLETES and Coaches are permitted in the Gym. All others, including parents and visitors must stay outside.
On Leaving the Training Venue
- As soon as you have finished training/competing please leave SBHG.
- Note on the Club Register of your departure time.
- Wash your hands again.
- At home please wash your clothing and sanitise equipment.
Online Pre-Registration for training session
Each week, the club will send out the registration information to our members and visitors. Please note all fencers participating in UTS Fencing’s training session will need to be registered for each session with the club beforehand, and to formally sign in and out at the training venue every session. All fencers will need to have current (2021) club membership and visitors’ status. Payment for 2021 UTS Club membership/visitor fee is paid via https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=713773&
Unfortunately, the club will have to turn away participants who do not meet their club memberships/visitors’ obligations (they will not be accepted in the training session registration process and will not be able to sign in to train at the venue).