- Men’s Epee: Gold to Joe Slowiaczek, 6th to Roc Cahan and 8th to Duncan Fairweather
Men’s Epee – B Final: Silver to Kelly Durant
Women’s Epee: Bronze to Chloe Esposito and 6th to Julie Seggie
Veteran Men’s Epee: Bronze to Duncan Fairweather and 7th to Dave Andrews
Men’s Foil: Gold to Frank Bartolillo, Silver to Joe Slowiaczek, Bronze to Hugh Cotman and David Donato
Men’s Foil – B Final: Bronze to Rowan Turner
Women’s Foil: 5th to Lishan Sung and 8th to Anna Slowiaczek
Veteran Men’s Foil: Bronze to Rowan Turner and 4th to Peter Witkop