She started fencing back in Ukraine, when she was 8. Her coach at that time was Yury Rudov, Soviet Fencer, gold medal Rome Olympic Champion 1960. Julia performed well in a number of Ukrainian National Championships and was invited to train in Kiev Olympic College. However she decided to give up her fencing sports career “forever” when she began her studies at the University. Since then she hasn’t been fencing for a long long time. Thanks to her family encouragement and support she decided to come back to fencing.
Julia came to the UTS club and asked Simon Jin to be her coach. Julia recalls: “When I saw Simon giving a lesson I was completely overwhelmed. As his manner, style and movements reminded me my childhood training very much.” Since Julia started training with Simon, she has scored a few achievements in NSW State Open Championships and also took bronze in Adelaide Australian National Open in 2013.
“I don’t have much time for training with my kids, but I’m happy to continue exercise and get fun in a friendly UTS club atmosphere and sometimes can participate in competitions.”